"Why the heck do I have to chase storms?" Recently, I omitted answering this frequently asked question.
First of all, there is no need to chase them. Second, I hope to be mistaken that the bravest of you out there feel any desire to walk into an actual storm. So, since we don't have a manual yet: "Please do not walk into an actual thunderstorm outside. Please don't risk being struck by lightning or trying to find the center of a tornado. At least if you haven't watched Twister before, haha!
Now, let me elaborate on the storm of ORRO WORLD and why we would like you to confront them. The motive of going inside is one that arises out of deep spiritual thought. The storm is meant as an equivalent to everything that whirls inside of us: detrimental thinking, unpleasant feelings, the body itching, aching, crying... you name it! Going inside the storm means to listen to that whirling, to get in closer contact with it, to connect with oneself and everything that is present. Unfortunately, the truth is: escape is often preferred over presence.
So, what does escape look like? To escape from the uncomfortable whirls means to escape from the inner storm. In the broader sense it means to escape from oneself. Simply avoiding the storm won't make it stop either. On the contrary, it will keep doing so until we can't avoid it no longer. But looking for quick escape is an attempt in vain. Because when we try to escape, we invest energy into the mere act of doing so WHILE having to deal with the whirling.
Actually, do we need to be busy with two things at the same time? I feel it is my duty to make people real listeners, so they grasp healing on a different level: going inside the storm allows us to transform ourselves from within.
If we want to get to know ourselves better, if we want to go a new way of healing and if we want to be autonomous beings, this, at least, is the approach we can choose. We all have the capacity of self-healing. One that is immediately accessible and highly effective. The message behind "going into the storm" is thus easy: we want to make you practise to confront your whirling over and over again. The more you practise the easier it will be to continue this path. Escape should be only one option of many.
It truly seems easier to escape. But is it difficult to be present with the storm? In a world of constant distraction we are so used to the game of escape that it became rare to acknowledge our discomfort. But once we are able to listen, it goes quick to shift from inner whirling to inner well-being. This is the learning we would like to offer. This is why we want to make you friends with the storm. ORRO is the no-escape game you are free to play.
So, keep playing!
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