Smagotcha has been on a slow path since 2018. So far we have gathered a bunch of people - students and professionals alike - who assist with their coding, concepts and creations. And although working online has had it backdraws, its benefits certainly came in handy in times of a pretty pandemic period.
Our scattered team is creating ORRO WORLD: a three dimensional listening experience for the smartphone, in which we become mindful explorers on a journey towards silence. Amidst the mindfulness apps that show a level of quality we want to bring quality into the level. This gamified meditation adventure is not an unexplored field though. Out there are a bunch of approaches where spiritual practice already meets technology and games. What makes us different? Keep reading.
In the center of our digital world of gardens stands a majestic tree, who, once upon a time, lost its voice in a blasting storm. When the players face it and go into its very center, they will not only find the tree's voice but also the "I", meaning the central spot of the storm or the "I of the storm". The storm symbolizes the storm inside. In this way it is a representation of all things roaring, day in, day out, whether it is the itch at our backs or the never-stopping noise of an urban area. Finally, someone might scratch herself and ask: “How the heck do I get out of here?” The answer is out there: Learn to listen. Because then you get out TO the noise, despite the noise. By the way, "orro" is a word coming from the Basque language which means “roaring”.
We don’t know where exactly this adventure is heading. With ORRO we opened a 3D-playground of possibilities. What we do know is that we we will publish a basic version first: A small set of four fabulous self-help stories, surprises included. A first set of flourishing gardens will come with a different topic to teach breathing, thinking and feeling, or hold on... you thought you were already mastering this? Then it's time to play and listen, for example you can download our app for free.
We want our players to grow and learn, not to self-optimize, but to become aware of the great life we are already living. Right now.
My name is Chris. I graduated at a German insurance company and after, I travelled a lot, hitchhiking the mind during my twenties. Until 2021, I studied at a German conservatory to achieve a bachelor degree in music: Focus on classical piano and immersive audiovisual media. I call myself a creative sensitive. I gather the team around Smagotcha. Currently, around ten people are participating in the project. I am the author of ORRO's first meditation stories.
In this blog, I continue writing about the development of ORRO world, the Smagotcha team and all the little visions that make my life transformative.
Stay tuned!
The Little Tree
Wow, it's great to read how 'ORRO World' evolved and that it was meant to be a game. Good that you changed your focus!
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